Over the past year or so, I've found myself quoting the 2nd Law of Karma very, very frequently - both as a reminder to myself, and to share the wisdom with others. Recently, though, I was asked "So what are these Laws of Karma? Are they well known?" - and I realized that perhaps they aren't... so - here they are, along with a brief explanation of each. The 12 Laws of Karma 1. As you sow, so shall you reap. In essence, this law means that you can't plant carrots and harvest zuccini. Planting carrots yields carrots. If you want zuccini to come out of your garden, you need to plant zuccini. Speaking in terms of our lives - this means that whatever energy we put out into the world is the same type of energy we will get back. So - if we spend our time spilling out hatred, fear, anger and bile on the people around us - our world is likely to feel very hateful, scary, infuriating and poisonous. At the same time, however - if we can set our intention toward that whic...
Tonight was amazing... Inspired by what I had read regarding the 10/10/10 gateway and what it means for our awakening Earth ( Archangel Metatron, 09/16/2010 ), I made my way out of the house tonight, heading for Balboa Park, where I intended to sit in the rose garden and meditate as 10:10:10pm passed. As I was leaving the house, I realized that I wanted to grab my phone - only to find that while it was showing the "charging" symbol and had been plugged in for hours, it had 0% battery and was about to die... so - I left it plugged in, deciding that I didn't need it. I grabbed my journal, my flashlight, a light jacket and my bag (with a couple of bits of spiritual reading and my iPad in it) - and I set out. As I drove across San Diego, I found myself smiling at the fog which was starting to rise over the city - lowering the visibility and giving everything a sense of mystery and silence. I was having trouble keeping my window defogged, and so I drove for a while with ...