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Three Spirals Theory

Religion asks the question "How do I do spirituality?"(Body)

Philosophy asks the question "How do I think spiritually?"(Mind)

Personal Development asks the question "How do I be spiritual?"(Soul)

True enlightenment comes from an understanding that the answer to any one of the above questions is to ask the other two - and therefore all three must be pursued simultaneously.

I believe that there are three distinct yet interrelated aspects to our existence. The Mind, the Body and the Soul. As we grow - we travel a path around each circle, cycling through aspects of our understanding within each of these realms. As we grow - so must our circles.

Each circle represents our understanding, our skills and our awareness within the realm of that circle's influence. The interior of the circle, or the "volume" of the circle, represents everything that we know. Outside the circle is everything we don't know. The edge, most importantly, is everything that we know that we don't know.

As we grow and develop and learn, our circles grow. As we develop our bodies, our physical strength, agility, prowess, fitness, flexibility and so on grows - and so does our circle within this model of understanding. Our awareness and ability to interact with the physical world is enhanced by growing our physicality.

We develop our mind through stimulation as well - by reading, studying, taking classes, exploring philosophy, contemplating new concepts and interacting intellectually with the people in our lives. As our minds sharpen, our circle within the model grows - representing a growth in our understanding of the universe. Our awareness of ourselves and our place in the world is enhanced by growing our intellect.

And - just as we have throughout the Age of Pisces, in the Age of Aquarius, humanity will continue to seek an understanding of that great power which we can feel outside of ourselves - the "something greater than myself" which we have labelled as God, spirit, angels, collective consciousness, Mother Earth and so many other sobriquettes. (If you want to read about the Ages, I suggest checking out this Wikipedia article) In this exploration, through study of ourselves and the teachings of great prophets and teachers as well as the natural world around us, our soul grows - as does our circle within the model. Our awareness of the energies of the universe and our place within the metaphysical becomes more and more clear - enhanced by our growth of spirit.

As we grow - and our circles expand - something amazing begins to happen...

Overlaps form. Intersections of understanding - places at which our understanding of the physical world overlaps with our intellectual understanding of the world (scientific study). Places at which our understandings of the intellectual and spiritual interact (philosophical study). Places at which we see the intersection of the spiritual world and the physical world (metaphysical awareness).

But most of all... there are areas in which all three overlap. We call this enlightenment.

I believe that moments of clarity - or Eureka moments - are moments in which all three of our circles are overlapping - and we are able to bring our physical self into alignment with our understanding while simultaneously tapping into the divinity of our soul.

I am laying the groundwork in these first few posts - formulating the basic models which I will refer to regularly throughout the postings within this blog. This is one of the primary models by which I understand reality. And - the true understanding is in the following three revelations.

If you draw our progress around each of these circles as a path, assuming that the circles are growing at a steady pace and that we are growing all three at once - the ideal growth - the model shifts into a series of intersecting spirals. This creates more intersections than you can see in the flat circles... and I believe this is representative of the increasingly high frequency with which people start to have Eureka moments as they continue to actively grow at higher and higher levels of enlightenment.

The second thing to note is that newer awarenesses (the outermost rings) create enlightenment moments not only with the other outermost rings - but with inner rings as well, as they cross over. In other words - the things we learn early on become foundational points of awakening with new things which we learn as we continue to grow.

Finally - imagine what would happen if even one of the circles didn't grow. Imagine how many less intersection points there would be. Imagine how much it would stunt - or even eliminate - the ability to have an intersection of enlightenment at the center. If one area of our life remains stagnant - we are literally incapable of being truly centered.

And so we come full circle. :) From my current understanding - I believe that true enlightenment comes from understanding that to Be, we must first Think and Do. To Do, we must first Be and Think. And to Think, we must first Be and Do. True enlightened spirituality can not be attained in a silo - but instead must be attained through a continual growth in physical experience, mental understanding and spiritual awakening. Only with balanced, deep growth can we truly attain enlightenment - the eternal Eureka.


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