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Laws of Manifestation

I was reading my partner Brandon's blog today - and loved his description of the Near Miss Theory which our group has been developing for the last few months. While his description of the Near Miss phenomenon is nice, I want to talk about the Frequency Model of Manifestation as a whole. :)

Before I do, however - let me set the stage for what this conversation is truly about: The Law of Attraction.

My personal journey of the Law of Attraction began when a friend of mine showed me The Secret a couple years ago in Chicago. It blew my mind... the idea of thought being a tangibly affective force which could be used to shape the universe around me. At the time - my understanding was very limited, and I thought of it as a sort of "magic" - and therefore was very, very skeptical - but tried it nonetheless.

What I found, like many people, is that the Secret - while a beautifully transformative piece of work - is much more descriptive than it is instructional. It tells you what the Law of Attraction is - but very little about how to use it.

I'll talk more about the "how it works" bit in a later post - but for now, let me summarize by saying that Attraction is only the beginning. Manifestation is the goal... and you move from one to the other, literally, via Gravity. Again - more description on that in a later blog post - because it is a topic of significant complexity that it is due it's own writing. :)

The Frequency Model of Manifestation was initially formed based on the concept of Frequency as described by Brett Harward during a talk at CEO Space 1009. His concept revolves around the idea of activity being understood in terms of the Frequency of change. In other words - the amount of time that it takes between making significant decisions around a specific subject is your Frequency. If you decide to take up weight-lifting, for instance, and you go 3 or 4 times, then get burnt out and stop - but it takes you 6 months to try a different work-out routine, your fitness frequency is 6 months - because it is taking you 6 months to make any major changes, regardless of the results you are getting.

Using the above model as a reference point, then - we would call the number of months (or weeks, or days, or hours...) between changes the "wavelength" of your frequency. But creates the amplitude? The height of the wave?


Honestly - it's that simple. This is the first piece to understanding the how of using the Secret. It comes down to these two things:

1) Evaluate often, and make changes as soon as you realize something isn't working.
2) Place belief and emotion behind your focus.

The tighter you are able to tune your frequency in to the exact thing(s) you want to manifest, and the more emotion you can put behind that frequency, the faster and more profoundly it will manifest.

Give it a try. :) In my next few posts, I'll talk about the tuning process, why belief is the key and what the true power of emotion is... but for now - let me leave you with one more important thing about manifestation:

You attract what you are, not what you want. (The 2nd Law of Karma)


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