I have been having a recurring thought for the past several months that just keeps showing up. I think that we, as Americans - and perhaps as humans around the world - have cause and effect backwards. We're very good at identifying relationships between two things, of course - that's what the human brain does best: identifies patterns and trends. We aren't all that great at causality, however...
Take for example the concept of "success." How many people go through every day of their lives thinking "If I can just make another $_____.00, I can get the car I want and a great house - and then I can attract the partner I want and be truly happy!" And how many of those people stay mostly miserable and single their entire life, driving a beat-up old car and living in an apartment in a neighborhood they don't like?
This is because we have cause and effect backwards. The true cause and effect relationship starts with being happy. When you are truly happy, and living in your element, focusing on the beautiful things in your life - you attract the opportunities for partnership and wealth and prosperity into your life... When that happens - you wind up with the nicer income, the loving partner and the lifestyle toys which fit your joy.
So many people get confused, though, because they see people who are "successful" and seem happy with their life. The real question is - are they happy because they're successful? No - they're successful because they're happy and positive.
Really, all of life is that way... we seem to have this concept which has pervaded our society which says: I'll believe it when I see it! In truth - the opposite is true. You'll see it when you believe it.
This, of course, can be good and bad. It means that if we spend our time believing in the evil of human nature and the predators lurking in the darkness and so on, we will find evidence - more and more - that we are right. It also, however, means that if we spend our time focusing on the beauty of our lives and the things going on around us - loving our experience and sharing that love with others - we will find a life more and more full of that as well.
Am I saying that bad things never happen to good people? No - I'm pointing out that to ask that question is to miss the point entirely. There is no such thing as a "bad" person or a "good" person - there are only people - and people have experiences - some of which they want, and some of which they don't.
What I am saying - hopefully without offense - is that your life is your fault, and that is the universe's greatest blessing. It means that if your life is full of joy - you have only yourself to thank... and if your life is full of sadness - you have only yourself to thank... and either way - you get to choose what it will be in the future - starting right now.
The most significant thing I've realized in the last 6 months has been about the true nature of the Law of Attraction, and that is this:
The Law of Attraction does not attract the things we want, it attracts the experiences we focus on.
Example... think of all of the people you've ever known who have tried to lose weight, only to discover that after brief moments of loss - they actually balloon to a bigger size than where they started! This is the Law of Attraction at work... When a person spends all of their time focusing on "losing weight" - the Universe responds enthusiastically! It says "Oh! Great! You want the experience of losing weight? Fantastic! Let me give you some more weight to lose!"
Try saying these two things to yourself: 1) "I want to lose weight." 2) "I want to be fit."
Do you feel the difference? Which one feels better? Our feelings are nothing more than a reflection of our alignment with our soul's greatest good. When you feel great - it is your soul expressing to you that you are in alignment with it's greatest good... when you feel terrible - it is your soul reminding you that your focus is in a place which isn't serving you.
Again - this is cause and effect. All too often I have heard people say things like "So you want me to just 'feel good,' huh? Easier said than done..." Of course - and it's also not the point... the point is not to follow your emotions, as if they are the catalyst for aligning with your soul... the point is to focus on your soul, and use your emotions as a gauge to see how aligned you are with greater good. Ask yourself "What do I really, truly want?" - and then try it... and see how you feel.
Back to the two statements. When we focus on the experience of "losing weight" - we just get more weight... when we focus on the concept of "being fit" - we get opportunities to engage in fitness. So much more life-giving.
Give it a try - and tell me what you find. I'd love to hear.
Take for example the concept of "success." How many people go through every day of their lives thinking "If I can just make another $_____.00, I can get the car I want and a great house - and then I can attract the partner I want and be truly happy!" And how many of those people stay mostly miserable and single their entire life, driving a beat-up old car and living in an apartment in a neighborhood they don't like?
This is because we have cause and effect backwards. The true cause and effect relationship starts with being happy. When you are truly happy, and living in your element, focusing on the beautiful things in your life - you attract the opportunities for partnership and wealth and prosperity into your life... When that happens - you wind up with the nicer income, the loving partner and the lifestyle toys which fit your joy.
So many people get confused, though, because they see people who are "successful" and seem happy with their life. The real question is - are they happy because they're successful? No - they're successful because they're happy and positive.
Really, all of life is that way... we seem to have this concept which has pervaded our society which says: I'll believe it when I see it! In truth - the opposite is true. You'll see it when you believe it.
This, of course, can be good and bad. It means that if we spend our time believing in the evil of human nature and the predators lurking in the darkness and so on, we will find evidence - more and more - that we are right. It also, however, means that if we spend our time focusing on the beauty of our lives and the things going on around us - loving our experience and sharing that love with others - we will find a life more and more full of that as well.
Am I saying that bad things never happen to good people? No - I'm pointing out that to ask that question is to miss the point entirely. There is no such thing as a "bad" person or a "good" person - there are only people - and people have experiences - some of which they want, and some of which they don't.
What I am saying - hopefully without offense - is that your life is your fault, and that is the universe's greatest blessing. It means that if your life is full of joy - you have only yourself to thank... and if your life is full of sadness - you have only yourself to thank... and either way - you get to choose what it will be in the future - starting right now.
The most significant thing I've realized in the last 6 months has been about the true nature of the Law of Attraction, and that is this:
Example... think of all of the people you've ever known who have tried to lose weight, only to discover that after brief moments of loss - they actually balloon to a bigger size than where they started! This is the Law of Attraction at work... When a person spends all of their time focusing on "losing weight" - the Universe responds enthusiastically! It says "Oh! Great! You want the experience of losing weight? Fantastic! Let me give you some more weight to lose!"
Try saying these two things to yourself: 1) "I want to lose weight." 2) "I want to be fit."
Do you feel the difference? Which one feels better? Our feelings are nothing more than a reflection of our alignment with our soul's greatest good. When you feel great - it is your soul expressing to you that you are in alignment with it's greatest good... when you feel terrible - it is your soul reminding you that your focus is in a place which isn't serving you.
Again - this is cause and effect. All too often I have heard people say things like "So you want me to just 'feel good,' huh? Easier said than done..." Of course - and it's also not the point... the point is not to follow your emotions, as if they are the catalyst for aligning with your soul... the point is to focus on your soul, and use your emotions as a gauge to see how aligned you are with greater good. Ask yourself "What do I really, truly want?" - and then try it... and see how you feel.
Back to the two statements. When we focus on the experience of "losing weight" - we just get more weight... when we focus on the concept of "being fit" - we get opportunities to engage in fitness. So much more life-giving.
Give it a try - and tell me what you find. I'd love to hear.
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