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Showing posts from October, 2010

10/10/10 @ 10:10:10pm

Tonight was amazing... Inspired by what I had read regarding the 10/10/10 gateway and what it means for our awakening Earth ( Archangel Metatron, 09/16/2010 ), I made my way out of the house tonight, heading for Balboa Park, where I intended to sit in the rose garden and meditate as 10:10:10pm passed. As I was leaving the house, I realized that I wanted to grab my phone - only to find that while it was showing the "charging" symbol and had been plugged in for hours, it had 0% battery and was about to die... so - I left it plugged in, deciding that I didn't need it. I grabbed my journal, my flashlight, a light jacket and my bag (with a couple of bits of spiritual reading and my iPad in it) - and I set out. As I drove across San Diego, I found myself smiling at the fog which was starting to rise over the city - lowering the visibility and giving everything a sense of mystery and silence. I was having trouble keeping my window defogged, and so I drove for a while with ...