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Showing posts from March, 2010

Cause and Effect...

I have been having a recurring thought for the past several months that just keeps showing up. I think that we, as Americans - and perhaps as humans around the world - have cause and effect backwards. We're very good at identifying relationships between two things, of course - that's what the human brain does best: identifies patterns and trends. We aren't all that great at causality, however... Take for example the concept of "success." How many people go through every day of their lives thinking "If I can just make another $_____.00, I can get the car I want and a great house - and then I can attract the partner I want and be truly happy!" And how many of those people stay mostly miserable and single their entire life, driving a beat-up old car and living in an apartment in a neighborhood they don't like? This is because we have cause and effect backwards. The true cause and effect relationship starts with being happy . When you are truly happ...